Easy pork gyros with homemade flatbread and tzatziki

An easy pork gyros recipe - the perfect evening meal at the weekend.

"Pork is a meat that can be cooked by all." - Yotam Ottolenghi

What is pork gyros?

Gyros means turn or revolution in Greek and refers to the way the meat was traditionally cooked on a rotating spit and then carved off. This is very similar to a Turkish doner kebab except the meat is served with tzatziki and chips sprinkled in oregano.

In Greece, gyros is a very popular street food. Often served with chicken and lamb as well as pork, it always features the loaded wrap twisted around in paper to make it easy to eat on the go. Here we also use the gyros flatbread recipe, although bought wraps or pitas would work (just not as delicious).

Which cut of pork for gyros?

As this is a home cooked version, the cut of pork we use is steak, however any pork cut that can be sliced thinly and fried would also work as the marinade will tenderize the meat.

What to serve with pork gyros?

Pork gyros is normally served as is in the wrapped bread, along with the tzatziki and the chips - trust us, this is filling enough for one meal!

Song for this recipe:

Thank you - Dadi Freyr

Audiobook for this recipe:

The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco


  • 200g x pork steak, fat removed

  • 1 x lemon - juiced and pips removed

  • 1 tbsp x honey

  • 2 x cloves garlic finely chopped

  • dried oregano

  • Enough fries for two people (1 potato each if making them yourself)

  • 2 x gyros flatbreads, pita or wraps

  • 1/4 x cucumber, chopped (and peeled if you’re so inclined)

  • 2 medium sized ripe tomatoes - chopped

  • 1 x handful mint finely chopped

  • 5 tbsp natural Greek yoghurt

How to make Pork Gyros:

  • Slice the pork steaks and place them in a bowl, cover with 3 tbsp of the yoghurt, the lemon juice, a tsp of oregano, 1 garlic clove, the honey and olive oil. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 4 hours or longer

  • Make the tzatziki by placing the cucumber, mint and the remaining garlic into a bowl and stir together with the remaining yoghurt. Place in the fridge to combine while the rest of the meal is cooked.

  • For the chips - slice the potatoes into oblong lengths of equal size and then place in salted water to draw the starch out. Leave the potatoes there for the length of time the pork is marinating.

  • When ready to cook, start with the chips, they will take the longest to cook. Drained and dry the potato and then cover in sunflower oil and salt. Either place on a baking try and roast in a preheated oven at 200C for around 15- 20 minutes OR place them in a preheated air fryer. The air fryer usually creates the crispiest chips.

  • As the chips are cooking, remove the pork from the marinade and place in a hot frying pan with oil. Cook the pork until starting to brown but not dry. Take off the heat but leave in the pan.

  • Once the chips are cooked, remove from oven/air fryer and get ready to assemble the gyros

  • Start with a flat bread laid out on the plate. Spoon on half the tzatziki, and add the chopped tomatoes in the bottom third of the bread. Place the pork on top of the tomatoes. Scatter oregano and salt over the chips and then place them on top of the pork without overloading the flatbread.

  • Roll up the bread so it makes a cone around the filling. You want a point at the bottom so the juice and filling doesn’t spill out.

  • Devour but make sure you have a napkin handy!

Video Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):


License code: QH9UF8NOUNUSJTIZ


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